The first gift I bought myself when I found out I was pregnant was a beautiful diaper bag. The Ju-ju Be Be prepared diaper bag. Then when he got a little older i bought the Ju-ju be matching back pack bag, which I adore. A diaper bag is a huge must when you have a 100 things you need on hand when you have a baby. From diapers to wipes to burp rags and extra clothes, it’s crazy how much a baby needs for being such a little person.

I put together a little list of 10 things that I always kept in my diaper bag at all times. Obviously the list will change when your baby gets older and when you decide to have another, the bag grows and grows just like your little ones. This list have baby items from newborn to 6 months only, later I will do a post for Diaper Bag Essential Items for baby and toddler. Here are my favorite items to have in my diaper bag.
Ju-Ju- Be diaper bag
Of coarse this is on top of my list. This bag is amazing. It has so much room in the Be Prepared bag, I usually use this bag when we go on trips and the Ju-ju be backpack when we do everyday normal outings. My husband even loves the backpack. The back pack is great for multiples so you can have your hands free while dealing with your toddler and a newborn at the same time. This bag has so many cute patterns also, take a closer look here and let me know what you think in the comments!
Also, I am a huge fan of the Itzy Ritzy line diaper bags. Their Diaper bags are so stylish and unique and very efficient. Check them out, they have so many different styles and colors to choose from.
Diapers and Wipes
This is obvious, but you would be surprised how many times I’ve gone into by back and noticed i’m down to one diaper and one wipe I always have to remind myself to refill the bag. Pampers Swaddlers are my favorite diapers, I used this brand for both kids. This is the only diaper my kids didn’t have frequent blow outs in. They are also so soft. The wipes I use are the amazon brand. I never changed this up, they always work for us, good quality and a great price. I subscribe and save both these items on Amazon.
Changing pad
I believe that most diaper bags come with its own changing pad but always make sure to have one. The last thing you want to do is put your baby on a gross changing table without some kind of padding. The Ju-ju be diaper bag comes with a matching one but you can also purchase one separately.
My baby loves the MAM pacifiers. I always make sure I have a few in the Diaper bag just in case you forget to bring one, they are so easy to lose cause they are so small. I also love the Babygoal Pacifier clips so you can clip them on the baby then you won’t lose them so easily. They have saved us a lot of frustrating nights from searching for his pacis lost in the dark.
Sanitizing wipes
These wipes are awesome if your a first time mom and a germaphobe. Now that I have 2 kids I just pick up the paci and clean it off with my hand. I know gross! But these wipes are great if you drop a toy or a paci and need a quick clean up. I like the Babyganics-Alcohol Free wipes.
Separate small Bag
I put Diaper rash cream, baby bum travel brush, Baby Tylenol, suction bulb, boogie wipes and Germ-x. These items are must- haves for me. Everything in a small clutch or Ziploc keeps everything really organized. I use the Damero 3pc wet and dry set. They are awesome and stylish for your diaper bag essential items. What other bags do you have in mind for your diaper bag?
Extra Bibs
You won’t really need a bib for the first couple of months but my baby is 3 months and is drooling like crazy. So I make sure to have 3-4 extra bibs to keep him dry. You will need bibs also when your baby switches to solids, babies are messy eaters. I love the Baby Bandanna drool bibs, they are stylish and soft.
Extra Clothes
I make sure to have a couple onesies and a couple pairs of socks. Be prepared for blowouts and baby spitting up on their clothes because believe me they happen often, it’s best to just be prepared at all times. You may also want to pack an extra shirt for yourself just in case.
Baby Sunscreen
I live in sunny San Diego so I am constantly applying sunscreen to my kids and myself. I love the ThinkBaby Safe Sunscreen SPF 50+. It smells amazing and its safe for a newborn. What other brands of sunscreens are you go-tos?
Disposable Dirty Diaper Bags
These are great to have just in case. They are also good for storing dirty clothing if your baby has a sudden blowout because again it does happen. I use the Munchkin Arm and Hammer bags, it comes with a cute bag dispenser.
These are just a few of my favorite must have Newborn – 6 month Diaper bag essential items. I am sure you can figure out a few more things to add to your own list like burp rags, blankets and teething toys but these are just a few items and couldn’t live without. Please share below in the comments what your must have diaper bag essential items are.